Rain Bird Corporation is a leading global manufacturer and provider of irrigation products and services headquartered in Azusa, California. The privately held company was founded in 1933 during California’s agricultural boom. Since the beginning, Rain Bird has produced and offered the industry’s broadest range of irrigation products for farms, golf courses, sports arenas, commercial developments and homes in more than 130 countries around the world.
Over the past eight decades, Rain Bird has been awarded more than 450 patents worldwide, including the first in 1935 for the original horizontal action impact drive sprinkler (U.S. Patent #1,997,901), which revolutionized the food production industry and ushered in a new era in irrigation. In fact, the original impact sprinkler was designated a historic landmark in 1990 by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Rain Bird’s engineering, marketing, manufacturing, and sales teams have worked together to develop innovative water-conserving products that include irrigation sprinklers, dripline, pumps, and timers/controllers.
Today, we offer over 4,000 water-saving irrigation products and services with offices and manufacturing facilities in Arizona, Alabama, Mexico, France, and elsewhere around the world. Our commitment to The Intelligent Use of Water™ shows not only in our high-quality products but also through our expert water management professionals who share their passion for water conservation. They provide education, training, and services for the industry and communities around us, creating long-term, responsible partnerships with our customers, vendors, and the cities in which we live. These efforts along with our high-quality products have been recognized with numerous awards throughout the years.